jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012


Costa Rica is located at the tropics surrounded by water. The climate is humid and high amounts of rain during May-November. Through out Costa Rica there are different types of water bodies  represented as underground water and surface water. It has a transboundary aquifer the Lower and Upper Colima located in the Central Valley of Costa Rica shared with Nicaragua.


Even though La Fortuna is a small town it also contains bodies of water represented as waterfalls, hotsprings, lakes and caves. La Fortuna attractions are part of the hydrology system created thousand of years ago. This internationl attractions have been adapted by citizens and travelers for daily life needs such as producing
energy and others for relaxing, enjoying nature and its health benefits.

La Fortuna Waterfalls

The waterfall was created by a lava flow of Chato Volcano now inactive and feed by the River Celeste.The bright color is due to the high amounts of minerals contain in the water provided by the Tenorio Volcano.

                                           Hot Springs

Feed by ground water heated by the hot rocks interacting with magma. Volcanic eruptions have form permeable layers with lava and with high amounts of rainfalls have created aquifers. Porosity between rocks allows water to infiltrate and feed the groundwater. Hot springs water also contain high amounts of minerals being healthy for people.                                                                                                             

                       Venado Caves

 Formed 15 to 20 million years ago, during the Miocene age. They were under sea level, the movement of the tectonic plates move them to the surface. The caves material is limestones were form by underground streams that still run through.


                                                                                                       Arenal Lake

Arenal lake is located at the base of Arenal Volcano. Is an artificial lake and reservoir created in 1979 it was expanded three times its original size to create a hydroelectic project producing 40% of Costa Ricas energy.



                          http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0 S0377027312002375-gr3.jpg
This are some of the watershed patterns in La Fortuna, in a radial pattern caused by Arenal Volcano. During the rainy season, water is infiltrated to ground water or goes to surface run-offs- rivers and streams feeding underground water. Rivers function in two different ways either influent- feeding  the water table and effluent - feed by the water table.

1. http://info.ngwa.org/gwol/pdf/852937464.PDF

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