jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

In the future

Within the small town of  La Fortuna, Costa Rica has a variaty of natural beauties. Different proccess took care of producing this natural sites over long periods of times. Arenal volcano was created by its dormant neighbor, El Chato volcano in one of its biggest and last eruption. La Fortuna waterfall also was created by a lava flow of El chato volcano and feed by the River Celeste. The volcanos geothermal activity helps heat underwater creating hot springs. Venado caves once underwater and due to tectonic plate movement they move to the surface, having a perennial river and flooding on rainy season. Due to moisturous, humidity and amount of solar energy received, vegetation in prevalant in any landscape of La Fortuna.

                     Arenal Volcano                                                                         



 Hot springs



Venado Caves



La Fortuna 1,000 years from now

In 1,000 years from now not much can happen since geography processes talks about geological time thousand, million or more years for a change.

Arenal volcano: is currently dormant but it can have an eruption any time, specially if there is a movement in the tectonic plates.

Waterfall:  The main goal in fluvial landscapes is to reach base level meaning sea level. Weathering is a continuos process, occuring from being expose to organic acids with mosses and lichens. Water velocity is carving the floor when it falls making it deeper and also weathering were water passes.
Drainage:  Change in drainage pattern due to erosion of rivers, and waterfall having a lower or higher amount of water.

Caves: Chemical weathering in caves from dissolution produces the formation of karst. Karst is form from dissolution due to the amount of water and organic acids available in tropical climates. During the wet season the cave gets flooded and during the dry season a stream continues to pass making the floor deeper applying the goal of every fluvial landscape and reach base level. Limestone is more prone to karst because when rainwater and carbonic acid interact with limestone it dissolves creating karst.

 Tectonic plates:  Cocos plate (Oceanic plate) located in the South Pacific ocean and caribbean plate (continental plate) interact as converge plates. The movement of this plates causes earthquakes causing faults. The material that goes under the caribbean plate is recycle feeding volcanos or creating more active volcanos.

Hot Springs will continue to exist as long as there is the movement, pressure and friction between the Cocos plate and Caribbean plate producing geothemal friction.

La Fortuna 10,000 years from now

Arenal Volcano: Tectonic plates are constantly shifting and moving above the volcanic hot spot.

Caves: Karst produces swallow holes, grykes and clints.

Waterfall: Knickpoints is where the change in slope of a waterfall can be found, also knickpoints are temporal because it continues moving as erosion continues above and below the waterfall.

La Fortuna 1,000,000 years from now

Arenal Volcano:  As the tectonic plates continue moving until the hot spot reaches the surface it creates new volcanos and mamga finds a chamber to feed the new volcano. The older volcano stops eruption and the new active volcano takes the resources that feed the older volcano. This can be predicted because this procces has occur in the past.

Caves: Due to the amount of dissolution with water through out the years, venado caves may breakdown and collapse the roof of the cave. Other caves can also be form following the same process in which the venado caves were form, as the tectonic plates continue moving and pushing land upward.

Waterfall: Reach sea level and become a graded stream such as it is predicted for the niagara falls.

In order for the landscape to change long periods of time have to passed as geological time. These changes can happen in our life time or maybe in thousands of years where not even our dust exists. Many of my predictions were base on past events that occur in La Fortuna and also what is currently happening with each landscape.

Dormant Volcanos 

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012


La Fortuna is located 10 dregrees North of the equator receiving an average of  12 hours of  sunlight every day. Year round the amount of sunlight received is 12 hours and during summer the amount of sunlight is reduced by less than a half hour.

Due to the amount of sunlight received the climate is warm and there are minimum changes of temperatures during the year.

According to Koeppen-Geiger Climate Classification Scale
 La Fortuna has a climate of Af- Tropical Wet Rainforest
A: Tropical Humid at low latitudes; warm and wet f: wet all year
This scale does not take in consideration cloud coverage, winds or sunshine.


Seasons are caused by the tilt (23.5 degrees) of the earth 
                                                          La Fortuna has two seasons
Rainy Season: Winter from June-November
Dry Season: Summer from December-May

The two seasons mark the amount of precipitation received not the change in temperatures since they remain almost constant with a minimum increase in the dry season.

As it can be observed in the above Average Temperature chart, temperatures have a small change during the two seasons. Such as in summer where there is less precipitation there are slightly higher temperatures and low temperatures remain the same throughout the year.

During the rainy season, rain is expected in the form of thunderstorm or torrential downpour in  the afternoon or evening




2nd Law of Geography: Land cools and heats faster than water
As land starts to cool, warm air (low pressure) starts to rise expanding and cooling, the Pacific ocean cool air (high pressure) starts to move inland helping lift  low pressure. Pressure always moves from High pressure to Low pressure because high pressure in denser than low pressure. Also warm air has a greater potential to hold more vapor water when it cools it causes precipitation.

Rainfall is influence by the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) a low pressure system that migrates North and South depending on season. When the ITCZ moves north the Coriolis effect deflects the trade winds to the right making September and October the rainiest months.
Also the Northeasterly winds knows as Trade winds also affect rainfall by carrying moisture.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012


Costa Rica is located at the tropics surrounded by water. The climate is humid and high amounts of rain during May-November. Through out Costa Rica there are different types of water bodies  represented as underground water and surface water. It has a transboundary aquifer the Lower and Upper Colima located in the Central Valley of Costa Rica shared with Nicaragua.


Even though La Fortuna is a small town it also contains bodies of water represented as waterfalls, hotsprings, lakes and caves. La Fortuna attractions are part of the hydrology system created thousand of years ago. This internationl attractions have been adapted by citizens and travelers for daily life needs such as producing
energy and others for relaxing, enjoying nature and its health benefits.

La Fortuna Waterfalls

The waterfall was created by a lava flow of Chato Volcano now inactive and feed by the River Celeste.The bright color is due to the high amounts of minerals contain in the water provided by the Tenorio Volcano.

                                           Hot Springs

Feed by ground water heated by the hot rocks interacting with magma. Volcanic eruptions have form permeable layers with lava and with high amounts of rainfalls have created aquifers. Porosity between rocks allows water to infiltrate and feed the groundwater. Hot springs water also contain high amounts of minerals being healthy for people.                                                                                                             

                       Venado Caves

 Formed 15 to 20 million years ago, during the Miocene age. They were under sea level, the movement of the tectonic plates move them to the surface. The caves material is limestones were form by underground streams that still run through.


                                                                                                       Arenal Lake

Arenal lake is located at the base of Arenal Volcano. Is an artificial lake and reservoir created in 1979 it was expanded three times its original size to create a hydroelectic project producing 40% of Costa Ricas energy.



                          http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0 S0377027312002375-gr3.jpg
This are some of the watershed patterns in La Fortuna, in a radial pattern caused by Arenal Volcano. During the rainy season, water is infiltrated to ground water or goes to surface run-offs- rivers and streams feeding underground water. Rivers function in two different ways either influent- feeding  the water table and effluent - feed by the water table.

1. http://info.ngwa.org/gwol/pdf/852937464.PDF

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012


In the small town La Fortuna one of the many natural beauties it has to offer, the most  recognized attractions are Cerro Chato the creator of Arenal Volcano 

Cerro Chato also know as Chato Volcano is a dormant volcano next to Arenal Volcano that created the Arenal Volcano with explosions material and lava flows accumulated through eruptions. (1.Arenalnet) Cerro Chato height is 3,700 ft tall smaller than Arenal that is 5,437 ft tall. Cerro Chato has two peaks called Chatito, Espina and a crater that become a caldera with a lagoon.(2. Arenalnet)

Cerro Chato also help create another beauty of this small town La Fortuna Water Falls.(2)

Arenal volcano became active in 1968 when it had a big explosion destroying three small towns until October of 2010.(1) It’s a composite volcano/ stratovolcano that had explosive eruptions by having a very viscous lava, high amounts of gas under pressure, ash and pyroclastic material.(3) When I visited La Fortuna in 2006 for the whole week I was able to see the smoke coming out of the crater, hot fluorescent tephra flowing down its surface. When I was walking in the jungle I was able to presence an earthquake follow by a small eruption. From 2010 the volcano has been in resting phase not knowing when it will wake up.(2)

Arenal volcano is one of the youngest volcanoes that is part of the Ring Of Fire were most of stratovolcanoes are found located at convergent plate boundaries.(3)

Arenal Volcano is located between two oceanic and continental plates acting as convergent plates, the Cocos and Caribbean Plate.(3) Cocos plate moves under the Caribbean plate because is less dense going to the subduction zone. (4)At high pressures the material of Cocos plate is being recycled by melting to produce magma.

  1. Arenalnet (Arenal): http://www.arenal.net/arenal-volcano-overview.htm
  2. Arenalnet (Cerro Chato): http://www.arenal.net/tour/cerro-chato-hike/
  3. News and Information About Geology: http://geology.com/volcanoes/arenal/
  4. USGS (Convergent plate boundaries) : http://geomaps.wr.usgs.gov/parks/pltec/converge.html
  5. Image1: http://www.arenalvolcano.com/
  6. Image 2:http://www.arenalvolcano.com/Free_activities/cerro_chato.html
  7. Image 3: http://www.govisitcostarica.com/travelInfo/photoLg.asp?phID=952
  8. Image 4:http://www.costarica-nationalparks.com/arenalnationalpark.html
  9. Image 5:http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/fire.html
  10. Image 6:http://geology.com/volcanoes/arenal/

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012


Hi my name is Issamar Pichardo, I was born in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico migrated when I was eight years old. This last semester I finally choose my career Geography-Environmental Science after changing my major a couple of times. I am passionate about traveling, learning different cultures and discovering what nature has to offer that sometimes is taken for granted. At my young age I have been to Cuba, Costa Rica, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico City, Canada and hopefully this list continues growing.

The place I choose is a small town named La Fortuna located in Costa Rica, I traveled with my family when I was 16 years old, I was fascinating by the biodiversity in such a small town. My goal is to visit again La Fortuna but now understanding nature. The reason I choose this place is because the story of the small town is interesting, the owner of the hotel I stayed at told me the story of this small town named after a tragedy in 1968, Arenal volcano had a big eruption and earth quake destroying Tabacon and Pueblo Nuevo half of the original town and the other half was intact by the flow of lava that’s the reason why the small town was named La Fortuna translated to English as luck or fortune. La Fortuna has many attractions such as the Arenal Volcano, La Fortuna waterfall and hot springs. It was impressing to walk in the jungle close to the volcano and feel the movement in the floor when there were small eruptions. I am interest in learning more about how volcanoes are form, minerals the volcano provides to have a great biodiversity and how hot springs are heated by the volcano and said to be good waters to heal because of the minerals it contains.