martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012


La Fortuna is located 10 dregrees North of the equator receiving an average of  12 hours of  sunlight every day. Year round the amount of sunlight received is 12 hours and during summer the amount of sunlight is reduced by less than a half hour.

Due to the amount of sunlight received the climate is warm and there are minimum changes of temperatures during the year.

According to Koeppen-Geiger Climate Classification Scale
 La Fortuna has a climate of Af- Tropical Wet Rainforest
A: Tropical Humid at low latitudes; warm and wet f: wet all year
This scale does not take in consideration cloud coverage, winds or sunshine.


Seasons are caused by the tilt (23.5 degrees) of the earth 
                                                          La Fortuna has two seasons
Rainy Season: Winter from June-November
Dry Season: Summer from December-May

The two seasons mark the amount of precipitation received not the change in temperatures since they remain almost constant with a minimum increase in the dry season.

As it can be observed in the above Average Temperature chart, temperatures have a small change during the two seasons. Such as in summer where there is less precipitation there are slightly higher temperatures and low temperatures remain the same throughout the year.

During the rainy season, rain is expected in the form of thunderstorm or torrential downpour in  the afternoon or evening




2nd Law of Geography: Land cools and heats faster than water
As land starts to cool, warm air (low pressure) starts to rise expanding and cooling, the Pacific ocean cool air (high pressure) starts to move inland helping lift  low pressure. Pressure always moves from High pressure to Low pressure because high pressure in denser than low pressure. Also warm air has a greater potential to hold more vapor water when it cools it causes precipitation.

Rainfall is influence by the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) a low pressure system that migrates North and South depending on season. When the ITCZ moves north the Coriolis effect deflects the trade winds to the right making September and October the rainiest months.
Also the Northeasterly winds knows as Trade winds also affect rainfall by carrying moisture.